10 Signs You May Have Yourself A Cheater
1 - Your Spouse Needs Space
A lot of guys/gal need space in a relationship. But if he has gone overboard from the start to make it known that he wants excessive space, you might have a cheater. Cheaters will often develop a pattern early on to convince you that talking on the phone every day or seeing each other more than twice a week is "clingy," all in an effort to maintain plenty of time for his on-the-side shenanigans.
2 - The Rumor Mill is Buzzing
We all hate the rumor mill, but it is good for some things. If you hear through the grapevine that he/she is seeing another man/woman, the probably are.
3 - Avoiding Certain Places
If you keep trying to plan a date to a certain restaurant or location and he/she always comes up with some reason not to go there, you might have a problem! He/She could be trying to keep you and another woman/man separate by only taking you to specific places; if he/she takes two women/men to the same restaurant, someone might ask questions.
4 - He's Learned New Tricks In The Bedroom
Mixing it up in the bedroom can be a great thing for a relationship, but if he/she starts getting really freaky in ways you've never seen before, it could be a signal that she/he has picked up these tricks from another man/woman.
5 - You're Having Less Sex
If he's getting it on the side, you're bound to notice a decrease in the amount of time you spend together in the sack. Less sex is a sign that something is wrong in your relationship.
6 - His/Her Grooming Habits Change
If you've been dating for a while and it's not a special occasion, he's usually scruffy and messy-haired. You suddenly notice a new supply of cologne, a clean-shaven face, and fancy hair gel. If he's intimate with someone new on the side, he/she will be putting a lot more effort into appearance than he/she would for just you.
7 - He's Done It Before
I'm sure you've heard this common expression: "Once a cheater, always a cheater." That may not always be the case, but it became a popular saying for a reason. If your guy/gal has been caught cheating in the past - on you, with you, or on a past girlfriend/boyfriend - you might be at risk.
8 - He/She Avoids Your Friends
When you offer to let him/her hang out with your buds, and he/she refuses every time, it's a bad sign. If he/she gets close with your friends, they'll be more likely to recognize him/her and possibly catch him out on a date with another girl/guy. He/she is covering their tracks.
9 - He/She is Secretive About Phone/Internet Use
A fair amount of privacy is a good thing, and it's important to respect it, but if he/she is shady about the browser history (in more than a "porn is awesome" way) and acts extra secretive about the messages on his/her cell phone, it might be time to worry. If he/she didn't have something to hide, why would it be such a big deal?
10 - Physical Signs
The obvious signs: lipstick on his collar, another woman's or ma's perfume scent on their clothing, hickeys, scratches on the body, bite marks etc. The physical signs of cheating don't lie.